以下代码无法在iPad上缩小屏幕。 有人知道TouchElf是否支持多点触控吗?
y1 = 1000
y2 = 400
touchDown(1, 1000, y1)
touchDown(2, 1000, y2)
mSleep(500) -- 1st sleep after touchDown needs to around half a second for it to register
-- keep zooming out until the "fingers" are close together
while math.abs(y1-y2) > 20 do
touchMove(1, 1000, y1)
touchMove(2, 1000, y2)
y1 = y1 - 10
y2 = y2 + 10
-- you can change the 10's to whatever you want - lower = slower zooming.
-- (for a 300px distance, I recommend a change less than 20)
touchUp(1, 1000, y1)
touchUp(2, 1000, y2)